
Tips To Prepare An Emergency Dental Kit

First aid kits are an integral part of our households. Similarly, dental emergency kits are equally important as these are used to treat dental injuries. Since it is your first time, you may get confused about what you put into your dental kit. Fret not as we have got you covered. This article highlights some major things as suggested by a family dentist in Monterey Park to add to your emergency dental kit. So, here we go! 

Top 6 Things To Add To Your Emergency Dental Kit

1. Sterile Gauze Pads

In case of injuries in your gums or mouth, you tend to bleed a lot. That is when gauze pads come in handy. Therefore, they are essential in your emergency dental kit. During times of emergency, take a sterile gauze pad and apply it to the affected area. This will stop blood flow and promote blood clot formation.

2. Dental Wax or Temporary Filling Material

Temporary filling material or dental wax is used for covering all broken and sharp edges of broken or chipped teeth within your mouth. This offers quick relief from pain and prevents future damage until you meet a dentist. 

3. Dental Floss

It is useful for removing food fragments or debris that are stuck in between your teeth or around orthodontic braces or dental implants. Having dental floss in your emergency bag makes it possible for you to practice good oral hygiene under trying circumstances.

4. Pain Reliever Medicines

You must include pain relief medicines in your kit when preparing an emergency dental kit. In case you come across any dental emergencies like dental trauma or toothache, these medicines eliminate pain and discomfort. Make sure you intake the prescribed dosage to avoid any side effects.  

5. Emergency Contact Information

In your emergency kit, add importance to your oral surgeon and dentist so that you can contact them in case of emergency. This will ensure prompt dental care and offer the necessary assistance when required. 

6. Small Mirror and Flashlight

Examining the inside of your mouth and seeing dental problems like chipped teeth, missing fillings, or foreign items caught between teeth can be done with the use of a tiny dental mirror and flashlight. If you need remote support, these tools can assist you in evaluating the problem and efficiently communicating with dental specialists.

Wrapping Up 

These are some essentials that should be a part of your dental emergency kit. Besides these, you must also add other essentials. 

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